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Siūlau 8000w auto subwoofer stiprintuvas
8000w stiprintuvas Monoblock Bass.Visiskai naujas visdar dezei supakuotas.Pilnas pajegumas 8000w.o RMS 3000 watu.,D klases stiprintuvas.Aprasimas Output Power (14.4v)(When bridging the channels) 1 x 8,000 watts Max (@ 2 ohm) 1 x 3,000 watts RMS (@ 2 ohm THD+N .lt 2.5%) 1 x 1,900 watts RMS (@ 4 ohm THD+N .lt 2%)Output Power (14.4v)(When using both channels individually) 2 x 4,000 watts Max (@ 1 ohm per channel) 2 x 1,500 watts RMS (@ 1 ohm per channel THD+N .lt 2.5%) 2 x 950 watts RMS (@ 2 ohm per channel THD+N .lt 2%) 2 x 600 watts RMS (@ 4 ohm per channel THD+N .lt 1%)Frequency response 10 Hz ~ 200 HzSubsonic F.lt r Frequency Range 20 ~ 50 Hz (Adjustable)Low Pass F.lt r Frequency Range 40 ~ 180 Hz (Adjustable)Bass Boost Frequency Range 45 HzInput Impedance 67 KohmInput sensitivity 0.2 V ~ 5 VSignal/Noise Ratio (A. Wtg)1 Watt Reff. >100 dBDamping Factor(100 Hz @ 4 ohm) >120Efficiency 82%Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)4 ohm loaded 1 Watt 0.20%800w RMS 0.50%80% of total 0.70%Idle Current 2.4 AMax Peak Current 240 AMinimum Subwoofer impedance Each channel individually 1 ohmMinimum Subwoofer impedance when in bridge mode 2 ohmPower supply DC 12VDimensions(length x width x height) 60 x 195 x 832 mmNoreciau gauti 3000LT. []
Vardas: Dainius
Miestas: Klaipeda
E-mail: BMWdainius@gmail.com
Tel: Nenurodytas
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