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Parduodu rusišką fotoaparatą FED-5V 45lt

Parduodu mažai naudotą olimpinį fotoaparatą FED-5V (106010691044-51042). Yra originalus rudas odinis dėklas. Techninės specifikacijos: Lens Mount: Leitz 39mm screw mount (LTM) Lens: 55mm/2.8 Fed Industar 61L/D Filter Thread: 40.5mm Minimum focusing distance: 3.3 (feet) 1.0 (meter) Maximum aperture: f2.8 Minimum aperture: f16 Shutter type: horizontal rubberized cloth focal-plane Shutter speed range: 1 second to 1/500 second Bulb Shutter speeds: B, , , 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 125, 1/250, and 1/500 of a second. Flash sync speeds: 1/30 Flash sync via: different versions, some have hot shoe only, some have PC terminal and hot shoe, X sync only Hot shoe dedication: No Auto flash calculation: No Film speed metering range: N/A Exposure compensation: Unlimited Battery: No batteries required Multiple Exposures: No Viewfinder: Combined viewfinder/rangefinder, single focal length view only Rangefinder base: 45mm Diopter correction: Varies with model, some have adjusting ring around viewfinder eyepiece. Film advance: non-ratcheted lever Rewind: Knob, folding crank Battery Check: No Tripod Mount: Metal, 3/8 X 16 European thread Self Timer: Yes Meter readout: No Manufactured by: Fed (F.E. Dzerzhinsky Labor Commune), Kharkov, Ukraine, former USSR Production dates: 1978 - 2000 Notable features: Uses most, but not all, lenses made for the Leica/Canon screw mount cameras. Removable back with fixed take-up spool. Film speed reminder dial. Shutter speed dial spins with shutter, ALWAYS set shutter speed AFTER winding film. No neckstrap lugs on body. The Fed-5B is the version which has no built-in exposure meter. Other versions of the Fed-5 do.

Vardas: Marius
Miestas: Vilnius
Tel: +37067810457

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