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Siūlau Fotoaparatas Minolta Dimage X tik 150lt
2-megapixel CCD.
Real-image optical viewfinder.
1.5-inch color TFT LCD monitor.
Glass, 3x, 5.7-17.1mm lens, equivalent to a 37-111mm lens on a 35mm camera.
2x digital zoom.
Automatic exposure control.
Shutter speeds from 1/1,000 to 2 seconds.
Maximum aperture f/2.8 to f/3.6, depending on lens zoom position.
Built-in flash.
SD memory card storage, 8MB card included.
Power supplied by one NP-200 rechargeable lithium-ion battery or optional AC adapter.
Dimage software and USB drivers included for both Windows and Mac platforms.
Vardas: C
Miestas: Vilnius
Tel: 867642602
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