Lietuvos skelbimų lenta           ieškoti     naujas skelbimas
Kovo 12,  Trečiadienis


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nekilnojamas turtas (51404)
paslaugos (45264)
pažintys (13737)


Woudl Like to Meet English Speaking Foreigners or

A young charismatic talented ENGLISH TEACHER is looking for English speaking foreigners and tourist who would like to meet some local people, walk around the city together, go to some free-of-charge museums or have a delicious slice fo cake with a cup of coffee somewhere. The "local people" - are some very nice, friendly and polite adult studnets who are looking for chance to practice their English skills. We are will not pay you for meeting us neither we are asking for it. We are not selling anything or will ask you to spend money at any occasion , of course, unless you want to do that yourself )) SO hope to meet some friendly foreigners who want to learn more about Lithuania and Vilnius. See you soon! )

Vardas: VaivaK
Miestas: Vilnius
Tel: 860924274

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