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Siūlau Looking for models aspiring masseuses
Central London-based, new, very exclusive visiting executive massage company specializing in nude tantric massages (STRICTLY Massages only) launching a brand new five star service concept in Adult Relaxation, selectively seeking models/aspiring masseuses possessing sexy confidence, striking looks, sensual grace, glamorous seductiveness, and irresistible charm.
Aged between 18-28, 155cm -170cm, twins, as well as brunettes with green/blue eyes, blonds, busty, fit athletic body, radiant skin.
The selected models will be engaged on exclusive contractual basis and featured in promotional videos (for TV and web adverts)/coffee table books as well as other print media to market the companys service and promote each model/masseuse to its elite clientele.
Expected earnings well above 120.000 GBP/year.
Enquire by e-mail: versatilepr@gmail.com
Vardas: Tom
Miestas: London
E-mail: versatilepr@gmail.com
Tel: +447935331875
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