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Afraid to get better, limit themselves to the consumption of many products, without which the depression is enhanced, for example, if you limit yourself in the consumption of vegetable oils and fatty marine fish. Without enough magnesium in the body, folic acid and vitamin B6, which is full of vegetables, fruits and greens, the level of serotonin in the brain decreases, and this is a very important matter for a good mood.
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Afraid to get better, limit themselves to the consumption of many products, without which the depression is enhanced, for example, if you limit yourself in the consumption of vegetable oils and fatty marine fish. Without enough magnesium in the body, folic acid and vitamin B6, which is full of vegetables, fruits and greens, the level of serotonin in the brain decreases, and this is a very important matter for a good mood.
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Vardas: Diana
Miestas: Biržai
E-mail: fer75@mail.ru
Tel: 80449845261
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