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Investment for your projects in LITHUANIA

Ladies and gentlemen, I am a French citizen retired, I work with business people who are keen to invest in profitable projects and very serious. That you are Lithuanian business leaders, designers or creative business projects or businesses, if you have a creative project (s) of company (ies)? You are either for future entrepreneurs, or self contractor (s) holder (s) of project (s) of business, or individuals in Lithuania, businessmen who have viable projects and lucrative to looking for an investment or investors looking for foreign partners to realize your projects business? We are a group of French investors (from FRANCE) who wishes to implement a business relationship between all people interested in our offer. Our primary purpose is to boost entrepreneurship in LITHUANIA, create a partnership with private business men and women of LITHUANIA. We are looking for business partners only in the countries of Europe or more precisely LITHUANIA other. In fact we would humbly work with people who have very serious and extensive experience in the field of business but also individuals who have projects which require a lot of funding. If you have your own business that will be an asset to our positive partnership. We are fully available to discuss with you story sit a beneficial partnership for both of us. So if our offer to get your attention, please contact us for more information. With great humility, but aware of the seriousness of our offer, we remain open to anyone who wants to work with us. Not serious refrain. Thank you for your understanding.

Vardas: Martin
Miestas: Vilnius
Tel: +37099554444

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