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Kovo 14,  Penktadienis


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auto dalys (10719)
auto moto transportas (21782)
auto aparatūra (3034)
biuro technika (569)
buitinė technika (6337)
baldai (9967)
darbas (26768)
flora, fauna (10410)
garso aparatūra (2914)
vaizdo aparatūra (4612)
įvairūs (43357)
knygos, muzika ir filmai (3167)
kompiuteriai (9579)
kompiuterių detales (2781)
mobilūs telefonai (17011)
nekilnojamas turtas (51404)
paslaugos (45266)
pažintys (13737)


Cryptography Blockchain Online Training

Cryptography Blockchain technology is a redistributed concept where transactions or smart contracts are retained in a public ledger which is copied all around the world in different nodes. On a single Blockchain, every transaction ever made is available. Anybody from anywhere can check these transaction details using Cryptography Blockchain softwares. Transactions are verified by confirmation of work by miners that check the transactions if they are accurate and add them in the next block to be attached in the Cryptography Blockchain. VirtualNuggets is one of the trusted training institutes that provide Cryptography Blockchain Online Training for all IT aspirants across the globe. Our training will be handled in either weekday or weekends program depends on participants requirement. Our trainer will be available to offer support to our participants on both week days and weekends. If you are interested in joining Blockchain online training drop a mail us to info(at)virtualnuggets(dot)com or visit our below website Website :

Vardas: ukumarivirtualnuggets
Miestas: Plungė
Tel: 8885560202

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