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Siūlau OBDII OBD2 CAN diagnostic scantool ELM 327 USB.
OBDII OBD2 CAN diagnostic scantool ELM 327 USB.
Tinka automobiliams 1996-2005m., turintiems OBDII jungtį.
Nauja versija (1.4) tinka daugiau automobilių, tiksliau rodomi parametrai
(slėgis, apsukos, temperatūra...)
The program lets you perform:
*Read diagnostic trouble codes, both generic and
manufacturer-specific, and display their meaning (over 3000 generic code
definitions in the database)
*Clear trouble codes and turn off the MIL ("Check Engine" light)
*Display current sensor data, including:
Engine RPM;
Calculated Load Value;
Coolant Temperature;
Fuel System Status;
Vehicle Speed;
Short Term Fuel Trim;
Long Term Fuel Trim;
Intake Manifold Pressure;
Timing Advance;
Intake Air Temperature;
Air Flow Rate;
Absolute Throttle Position;
Oxygen sensor voltages/associated short term fuel trims;
Fuel System status;
Fuel Pressure;
Many others...
Vardas: Darius
Miestas: Kaunas
Tel: +37060538508
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