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Siūlau Pega CSA and CSSA Training
Pega CSA is certified System Architect, which contributes to the incessant improvement of IT applications and architecture and builds business processes and other supporting functions based on requirements and use cases.
Pega Certified Senior System Architect (CSSA) ability to use Pega to design and build for reusability across multiple lines of business, and includes applying best practices, understanding application debugging, understanding performance tuning and system maintenance techniques, and addressing security/access requirements in an application.
PegaGang is one of the trusted Pega CSA Training and Pega CSSA Training providing institution in USA, UK, Canada and rest of the world with certified on field working experts. PegaGang not only offering Training they offer Self learning Videos and Job Support for almost all Pega tool Modules.
PegaGang Training Highlights:
247 Support Online Support
Real-time projects with real-time practical examples
Latest Version of Course is trained to the participants.
To know more details of demo and batches of Pega CSA and CSSA Training, Contact PegaGang 247 by below details
Email : pegagang(at)gmail(dot)com
WebSite : http://www.pegagang.com/pega-csa-training.html
Vardas: PegaTraining
Miestas: Taurage
E-mail: Pegatraining01@gmail.com
Tel: 0000000000
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