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Siūlau Offer for office and manufacturing space rent at
Location: Latvia, Riga White Street 3 / 9
Want to transfer your production to Latvia, then feel free to contact us at Business Center "Forums" which offers the lowest prices for office and manufacturing space for lease.
Warehouse lease pricelist:
1st Floor: 1 euro per m2
2nd floor: 0, 80 euro per m2
3rd floor: 0, 60 euro per m2
Also there are rented different sized office space premises. This can be drawn up in an area of 11 m2 - 100 m2 (4.5 euro per m2) according to each clients individual needs. The office consists of an area with access to all communications.
Location and surroundings: Developed infrastructure, convenient public transport, convenient traffic. City Centre is just 3 km away. It is possible to provide convenient access to both personal and public transportation.
Nature and condition of the building: Office Maintenance Services (copy, print, scan), video surveillance systems, day and night security and administration, cafe.
Advantages of renting office space at Business Center "Forums":
Production and warehouse space alongside available (the total area of 21 000 m)
Secured overnight parking (free)
Additional accounting services
Video surveillance, day and night security and administration (free)
In this building there is also available - dentistry, beauty salon, soap base, basic household goods, office supply stores.
Computer and office equipment service and repair.
Legal Services
Vardas: Viktorija
Miestas: Nesvarbu
E-mail: forum@forum.lv
Tel: +37126134449
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