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Siūlau Flat for rent in Vilnius oldtown
We rent a nice 2 room (65 m2) apartment situated in the very city center of Vilnius - Basanaviciaus street. The rooms are furnished, so is the kitchen. The apartment is spacious, rooms have high ceilings. Theres a fireplace in the livingroom. Both rooms have a balcony. The area is quiet and safe, due to surrounding embassies, theres a park nearby. Grocery stores, banks, cafes are just a short walk away.
The rent is min 6 months, 2000 LT (580 euro) per month.
Call 370 686 89068. Or email: demeina@gmail.com
Vardas: Nijole
Miestas: Vilnius
E-mail: demeina@gmail.com
Tel: 868689068
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