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Kovo 14,  Penktadienis

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Urgently for sale: good spacious Apartments in Lit

Urgently for sale: good spacious Apartments in Lithuania Panemunės town near the border with Russia, the only bridge the transition can be achieved Sovetsk (Tilsit) town .. Next to the park, the river Nemunas and great lakes. Farming land, garage, garden, large cellar and outbuildings. 3 rooms, spacious kitchen and large balcony doors, internet, telephone, water, toilets, heating and the possibility of solid and liquid fuels. Appropriate place for recreation, commercial activities and making one’s living as a cheap apartment Maintaining the absence of rent being paid. Priced at only 11 000 EUR Tel. +370 639 28410, +370 441 42398 Email:

Vardas: aura
Miestas: Tauragė
Tel: 863928410

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