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Siūlau parduodu optine pele logitech mx518 gaming-grade
Parduodu kompiuterine pele logitech mx518 gaming-grade optical mouse usb/ps/2. Kaina 70Lt. The Logitech MX518 optical gaming mouse gives gamers a precision advantage. Its 1800 dpi optical engine delivers pinpoint accuracy for precise targeting and high-speed handling. A sculpted comfort grip helps reduce strain, and slick polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) feet glide smoothly across almost any surface, with no skips. This durable fit and finish allows for longer, harder play. In-game sensitivity switching lets you easily control cursor speed and responsiveness without ever having to interrupt your game. Advanced software allows you to easily customize your mouse to every game you play, and eight programmable buttons provide added control and efficiency.
Išmatavimai: 216x203x69 (Packaged)
( http://www.rl.lt/rlskelb - programa skelbimams internete skelbti )
Vardas: Gintas
Miestas: kaunas
E-mail: kanadaa1@gmail.com
Tel: 868433320
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