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Siūlau brand new apple iphone 4G 32gb for sale 450
we are a registered company that deals of the sales BRAND NEW electronics ranging from Mobile phones,Laptops,ipods,Apple ipads,Apple iphones and many more at discount prices.
all our products comes with 1 year international warranty,factory sealed from the manufacturers with necessary accessories.here are some of our stock:
Apple iPhone 4G 32GB........450US
Apple iPhone 4G 16GB........350US
Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB.......300US
Apple iPhone 3GS 16GB.......230US
Apple iPhone 3G 8GB.........200US
Black Berry Bold 2..........220US
HTC Touch HD (Unlocked).....220us
Sony Playstation 3 60gb.....200US
Xbox 360 Elite..............135US
Apple iPad Wi-Fi 3G 64GB....350
Apple iPad Wi-Fi (64GB)......300
Apple iPad Wi-Fi (16GB)......250
1.NEW Apple Macbook Pro 2.8GHz i7" 500GB 5400 HD.....1300
2.Apple Macbook Pro 15.4" Intel Core i5 4GB 1066MHz..900
3.Apple Macbook pro 13.3"2.26 Gz-4 GB RAM-320 GB.....500
All our phones are new and unlocked .you can use the phones on any GSM network without having to unlocked them again.and they all carries one year warranty.we can send you more product details upon your request.
Vardas: JimohLani
Miestas: Nesvarbu
E-mail: hullmarkcomputers@yahoo.com
Tel: 9873287450
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