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Siūlau Asus G51Jx-X1 NAUJAS
Intel Core i7-720QM Quad Core Mobile Processor
4GB PC3-8500 DDR3 Memory
500GB 7200rpm SATA Hard Drive
8x DVD/-RW Dual Layer Burner
15.6" WUXGA (1920x1080) LED Backlit Display With 2.0 Megapixel Webcam
NVIDIA GeForce GTS 360M Dedicated Graphics With 1GB Memory
v.92 56Kbps Modem, Gigabit Ethernet, 802.11a/g/n Wireless, Bluetooth
Three USB 2.0, eSATA, FireWire, HDMI, VGA, ExpressCard/54, 8-in-1 Card Reader
14.6" x 10.3" x 1.6" @ 7.3 lbs.
Windows 7 Home Premium, WinDVD, Trend Micro Internet Security
Vardas: Justas
Miestas: Klaipėda
E-mail: angel.eisas@gmail.com
Tel: 869437087
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