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Siūlau Parduodu nesiojama HP kompiuteri uz 1100LT
Operating system Windows XP Professional
Processor Mobile AMD Sempron Processor 3400 (level 2 cache 512 KB, Up to 1800 MHz system bus running at)
Memory 512 MB (supports up to 2 GB DDR2 memory)
Storage 80 GB SATA Hard Disk Drive 5400 rpm
Super Multi DVD Writer (/-R /-RW) with Double Layer support
Communication High speed 56K modem
Ethernet 10/100BT integrated network interface
802.11b/g Wireless LAN
One ExpressCard/54 slot (also supports ExpressCard/34)
Display 15.4 WXGA High Definition BrightView Widescreen Resolution: 1280 x 800
Video NVIDIA GeForce 6152 (128MB)
Vardas: Jolanta
Miestas: Marijampolė
Tel: +37067214601
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