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Siūlau Dell inspiron 1000 tik 500 LT
Intel Celeron 2.2GHz Processor
512MB PC2100 DDR Memory
40GB 4,200rpm Hard Drive
24x CD-RW/DVD Combo Optical Drive
15" XGA LCD Display and SiS 650 Integrated Graphics with 64MB Shared Memory
AC97 Audio
v.92 56Kbps Modem, 10/100 Ethernet and 802.11g Wireless PC Card
Three USB 2.0 Ports and One Type II PC Card Slot
13" x 10.6" x 1.5" @ 6.7 lbs
Windows XP Home and Word Perfect 12 Office Suite
Vardas: Egle
Miestas: Alytus
E-mail: egle003@gmail.com
Tel: 862600603
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