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Siūlau NAUJIENA!!!! Portatyvinis skeneris
1) Sensor: A4 Color Contact Image Sensor
2) Resolution: Standard resolution : 300x300 dpi(default); High resolution: 600x600 dpi;
3) External memory card: Support Micro SD card up to 16GB
4) File format: JPEG
5) LCD: scanning status display
6) Auto Power Off: 3 Minute
7) Maximum Scanning speed: A) Color High resolution: 13 Seconds; B) Color Low resolution: 3.0 Seconds; C) Mono High resolution: 6.0 Seconds; D) Mono Low resolution: 2.0 Seconds
8) Scanning width and length: A) Scanning width: 8.27"; B) Scanning Length: 300DPI: 50"(Max), 600DPI: 25"(Max)
9) Capacity (Based on 1GB Micro SD, Scan A4 size file, the quantity of picture is various and depend on the content complexity): A) Color High resolution: 323 Photos(Min.); B) Color Low resolution: 1190 Photos(Min.); C) Mono High resolution: 372 Photos(Min.); D) Mono Low resolution: 1320 Photos(Min.)
10) USB Port: USB 2.0 high Speed
11) Support system: Driver free to download for Windows XP SP2 /Vista and Mac 10.4 or above
12) Power source: 2xAA
Package Includes: Installation CD, USB Cable, User Manual, Carry Cloth Bag, Dishcloth
Vardas: skeneris
Miestas: Vilniaus
E-mail: arturas87@rambler.ru
Tel: 3706211309187
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