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Siūlau Parduodu nesiojama Hp Omnibook 6000 naud
HP Omnibook 6000PC WorldBench 2000 score of 168; Pentium III-1000/700, 128MB of SDRAM, 256KB L2 cache, Windows 2000 Professional, 15-inch active-matrix screen, ATI Rage P/M Mobility graphics with 8MB of SDRAM, 30GB hard drive, 8X DVD-ROM drive, bu.lt in V.90 modem and network interface, touchpad and eraserhead pointing devices, 8.1-pound weight (including floppy drive, floppy drive cable, AC adapter, and phone cord). 1-year parts and labor warranty; free 24/7 toll-call support ends after 3 years.$ 4099siulykite savo kaina
Vardas: Marius
Miestas: Alytus-Kaunas
E-mail: mjxedo@gmail.com
Tel: 37069889808
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