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Siūlau Parduodu nesiojama kompiuteri kaina800ltgalima kaz
Parduodu nesiojama kompiuteri FUJITSU SIEMENS, KAINA 800LT (galima deretis). AGNE 8 683 40720 /Alytus
Amilo Pro V7010 laptop comes with a powerful Intel Celeron processor, running at over 2.5GHz and shared ATI Mobility graphics.This excellent laptop comes at an incrediblylowprice,especiallyconsidering it comes with Windows XP Professional, for greater networking potential.
Intel Celeron D325 (2.53GHz / 256kB L2 Cache)
40GB Hard Drive
ATI Mobility Radeon 9000IGP 128MB shared graphics
15.1 TFT Display
DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive - To read DVDs and CDs and write CDs
3-in-1 Card Reader reads MultiMedia Card, Secure Digital and Memory Stick
Weight 3.1kg
UBUNTU 8.04.2,
Includes K3B (CD Maker), 4 USB port
Vardas: AGNE
Miestas: Alytus
E-mail: agne455@gmail.com
Tel: 868340720
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