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Siūlau Bobcat 300 Hotspot Miner HNT Helium
Bobcat 300 Hotspot Miner HNT Helium US915 UK/EU 868 is brand new with warranty and is a high-efficiency miner
hotspot for HNT. It is compatible with Helium LongFi, an architecture that combines the leading wireless LoRaWAN
devices. its runs on ultra-low power consumption (5W) and its signal range can cover up to 10 miles.
We have All Models Available.
Europe (EU868)
North America (US915)
Southeast Asia (AS923)
AU Region (AU915)
South Korea(KR920)
Contact Us ..
Mr. Xiansheng Zhou
Sales Director
WhatsApp :- 85259161409
E-mail :- freeboardint@gmail.com
Vardas: AmirSaheed
Miestas: Anykščiai
E-mail: manboss1759@gmail.com
Tel: 85261724621
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