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Siūlau Alienware m9700
Kompiuteris pirktas JAV, naudotas puse metu, geros bukles.
Alienware Aurora m9700
Processor: AMD Turion 64 Mobile ML-37 2.0 GHz
Built-in 1. 3 megapixel tilting video camera.
Chassis: 17 WideUXGA 1920 x 1200 LCD with Clearview Technology-Cyborg Green
Motherboard: Alienware NVIDIA Mobile SLi Chipset
Memory: 2GB Dual Channel DDR SO-DIMM at 400MHz
System Drive: Single Drive Configuration 120GB Serial ATA 1. 5gb / s 7, 200RPM w / NCQ 8MB Cache
Optical Drive:CD- RW combo
Video / Graphics Card: 256MB NVidia GeForce Go 7900 GS-SLI Enabled
Sound Card: High-Definition Audio with surround sound
Wireless Network Card: Internal 802. 11b / g WiFi Card
Communications: Integrated 10 / 1000Mb Gigabit Ethernet 56K V. 92 Modem
Bluetooth: Integrated Bluetooth Device
Primary Battery: Alienware m9700 12-cell Lithium-Ion Smart Battery Pack
4 Hi-speed USB 2. 0 ports
Express Card Slot / 54mm
IEEE 1394a (4-pin) port
4-in-1 Memory Card Reader
( SD / MS / MSPRO / MMC)
Vardas: Vytautas
Miestas: Marijampolė
E-mail: vycioco@gmail.com
Tel: 861045258
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