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TomTom GO 910 navigacija GPS (nauja)

Kaina 1700 LtMaps of Europe, the USA and Canada on hard disk: Door-to-door navigation across Europe, the USA and Canada. Smart extras: in Mp3 player; 20 Gb (12 Gb free) of hard disk, enough for 1000’s of songs and pictures; remote control; and much more. Clear spoken instructions, including street and place names: TomTom GO 910 speaks some 36 languages in over 50 different voices and can even announce street and place namesEasy to use: Extra wide 4” LCD touchscreen gives you smart design and easy to use navigation literally at your fingertips. Hands-free calling: Doubles as a hands-free car kit using Bluetooth® technology. So you can make & receive calls as you drive with just a touch of the screen. More information online at www.tomtom.comTomTom GO 910 - In the box1. TomTom GO 910. Extra wide touch-sensitive LCD screen, power (On/Off) button, release button (for removing TomTom GO 910 from its docking).

Vardas: Darius
Miestas: Vilnius
Tel: 37068094945

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