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Siūlau Hp Pavillion dv6000 windows 7 250GB
Microsoft Windows 7
AMD Turion 64, dual core processor
2 GB DDR2 memory
15.48243 WXGA High-Definition HP BrightView Widescreen Display (1280 x 800)
256 MB NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) Go 7200
250 GB 5400RPM SATA Hard Drive
LightScribe SuperMulti 8X DVD/-RW with Double Layer Support
1.3 Megapixel Webcam with mic built into screen
Altec Lansing speakers built in
3 USB ports, ExpressCard/54 Slot, Video Out, Integrated Consumer IR, 1 RJ-11, 1 RJ-45
Pridedu nenaudota pele ir kompiuterio dekla.
Veikia puikiai
900LT (galima deretis)
Vardas: Vilma
Miestas: Vilnius
E-mail: vilmukas.m@gmail.com
Tel: 862290259
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