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Siūlau NAUJAS HP DV6707
Processor AMD Turion 64 X2 mobile technology (TK-57)
Processor Speed 1.9 GHz
Installed Memory 2 GB DDR II SDRAM
Cache Size 512 KB
Hard Drive 160 GB
Card Reader 5 in 1
Supported Flash Memory Cards SD Memory Card, Memory Stick, Memory Stick PRO, MultiMediaCard, XD-Picture Card
Display and GraphicsDisplay Size 15.4 in
Display Type TFT active matrix
Graphics Processor NVIDIA GeForce 7150M
Resolution 1280 x 800 pixels
Display Resolution Standard WXGA
BatteryBattery Type Lithium ion
Communications and Networking Wireless Technology Wi-Fi
Modem Speed 56 Kbps
Software Operating System Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium
ConnectorsInterface Provided Infrared, S-Video, VGA, Phone line, Ethernet
Manufacturer Part No. KC323UAABA
http://www.retrevo.com/s/HP DV6707?rtsp
Kaina 2350
Vardas: Tomas
Miestas: Kaunas
E-mail: tomasju@gmail.com
Tel: 861142636
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