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Siūlau Pigiai! Toshiba pocket PC e355, 300lt
Toshiba pocket PC e355, gerai ishlaikytas, mazai naudotas su pakroveju,parvestas is anglijos. 30.lt rogramos: * Pocket Word * Pocket Excel * Pocket Outlook * Pocket Internet Explorer * Microsoft Windows Media Player 9 for Pocket PC * File Explorer * MSN Messenger * Microsoft Active Sync 3.7 * Microsoft Outlook and ArcSoft PhotoBase * Operating system - Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003irenginio informacija: procesorius: CPU - 300MHz Intel XScale PXA255 * Memory - 64MB RAM / 16MB ROM * Display - 3.5 in. 240 x 320 pixel full-color TFT touchscreen LCD with LED backlight * Audio - bu.lt in speaker and microphone; stereo audio out (mini-jack) * Input/output ports: o IrDA (115 Kbps) o USB client/host port * SD/MMC card slot * Weight - 5.2 oz. * Dimensions - 4.9 x 3.1 x 0.4 in. * Power - removable Li-Ion 1000mAh battery []
Vardas: Nenurodytas
Miestas: Vilnius
Tel: 867745075
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