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Hercules 3D Prophet ALL-IN-WONDER 9800SE

Vaizdo plokste tv tiuneris Hercules 3D Prophet ALL-IN-WONDER 9800SE pilnas komplektasdezute laidai,pultelis atsirakina papildomi konvejeriai 200lt kaunas 860595066 Description: Transform your PC into the ultimate entertainment center! 2D/3D graphics board delivering amazing performance, powered by the latest RADEON 9800 SE based on the RADEON 9800PRO powerful technology Full DirectX9 hardware accelerator for high framerates in current and future 3D games and 3D applications 128MB DDR RAM and 256 bit-DDR memory interface AGP 8X/4X/2X : to use the latest technology of PC A convenient and versatile way for users to enjoy TV, VCR DVD player functions on their PC, Radio frequency wireless remote control Full package of software applications to manage all the multimedia functions easily The latest 3D technology for high framerates in 3D games 3D architecture powered by ATIs RADEON 9800 SE Visual Processing Unit (VPU) Supports the latest 3D technologies for excellent fluidity, real-time animation of complex characters and realistic lighting effects: SMARTSHADER2.1, TRUFORM2.0, SMOOTHVISION 2.1 Full support for current and future 3D games with 128MB DDR Memory! Latest technologies supported : AGP 8X and Full Direct X 9 : secure the end-user about investing in the latest features to last a while! Transform your PC into a TV, VCR and DVD Player Stereo TV tuner (PAL B/G/D/K/I and SECAM L/D/K) with digital VCR and up to 125 channels Complete set of amazing TV and DVD features Integrated Teletext and TimeShifting functions (TV-ON-DEMAND) THRUVIEW for translucent TV, DVD and video file viewing THEATER 200 : video encoder and stereo audio processor MulTView : capabilities of Dual TV Tuner including Picture-in-Picture MULTIMEDIA CENTER : software for managing multimedia applications easily with user-friendly DVD Player Revolutionary multimedia features for unrivalled image quality VIDEOSHADER engine: programmable pixel shaders for video processing acceleration Fullstream technology for superior Internet streaming High-quality TV encoder for display on PAL/SECAM TV sets supporting up to 1024x768 resolution DVI encoder for digital flat panel display Display support: simultaneously connect one VGA or DVI display plus a TV or VCR

Vardas: Giedrius
Miestas: Kaunas
Tel: 860595066

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