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Siūlau Apple iphone 3GS 32GBNikon D700Nokia N97 32GBApple
Apple iphone 3GS 32GB,Nikon D700,Nokia N97 32GB,Apple Ipad 64GB,16GB
If you are interested, forward your questions and inquires to us via email your order and shipping details. we give 1 year warranty for every product sold out to our costumers, our product are company class 1 tested and approved by global standard organization of wireless industries, Brand new merchandise with complete accessories, extra charger and battery.
Brand New Apple Iphone 3GS 32GB .... 350USD
Brand New Apple Iphone 3G 16GB ... 300USD
Brand New Htc Pro 2 ...... 300USD
Brand New HTC Google Nexus One... 350USD
Brand New Nokia N97 32GB..... 350USD
Apple iPad 16GB .......... 350 USD
Apple iPad 32GB ........ 480 USD
Apple iPad 64GB ......... 600 USD
Brand New Nikon D700:...... 1000USD
Brand New Nikon D40:...... 550USD
Brand New Nikon D60:...... 400 USD
Brand New Nikon D80:..... 500 USD
Brand New Nikon D90:..... 550 USD
Brand New Canon 40D :.... 490USD
Brand New Canon 400D :.... 400 USD
Brand New Apple MacBook (MA700LL A) Mac Notebook.. 500USD
Brand New Apple MacBook Pro (MA611LL A) Notebook.. 600USD
Brand New Apple MacBook (MA254LL A) Mac Notebook.. 450USD
Brand New Panasonic TH-42PH10UK 42 in. Plasma TV .. 579
Brand New Panasonic Viera TH-46PZ85U Plasma TV .... 749
Brand New Panasonic Viera TH-50PZ85U Plasma TV... 1,110
Brand New Samsung HP-T4254 42 in. Plasma TV ... 650
Brand New Samsung FPT5084 50 in. HDTV Plasma TV ... 799
Brand New Samsung HP-T4264 42 in. HDTV Plasma TV ... 650
Brand New Samsung FP-T5884 58 in. HDTV Plasma TV ... 1,423
Brand New Samsung PN58A550S Plasma TV... 600
Brand New Samsung PN42A450 Plasma TV .... 682
Buyer shuold contact us....
Email:abdul-quareeb hotmail.com
Msn:abdul-quareeb hotmail.com
Phone number:447035966464.
(paskelbta is www.xv.lt)
Vardas: quareeblateef
Miestas: Vilnius
E-mail: abdul-quareeb@hotmail.com
Tel: 999999
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