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Siūlau For Sale Korg Pa2XPro Korg PA800
We offers best online retailing and wholesale of musical instrument such as Keyboards,Piano,Guitar,Digital Mixers and more. With our experience, we are very focused on the needs of our customers and provide excellent quality products to our customers.We offer the means of delivery (UPS / USPS / FEDEX / DHL). We firmly believe to brings you the best quality products and service with competitive prices to meet their needs.
Contact us for more Information:
E-mail : gtdistributors01@hotmail.com OR gtdistributors01@gmail.com
MSN: gtdistributors01@hotmail.com
Korg M3-88 Key Workstation/Sampler ......................600 EUR
Korg OASYS 88 Keyboard...........................3,000 EUR
Korg Pa2XPro 76-key Arranger Keyboard................700 EUR
Korg PA500 Arranger Workstation.............. 300 EUR
KORG PA800 PRO ARRANG .................. 600 EUR
Vardas: Tommy
Miestas: Vilnius
E-mail: gtdistributors01@hotmail.com
Tel: 37037313111
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