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Siūlau PC owners buckling under devastation of Palladium
Cases of severe damage to PC owners systems have been blamed on Palladium Pro rogue antispyware, a pernicious clone of the Fake Microsoft Security collection. This rogue has been the instigator of irreversible damage to its victims PCs in an effort to successfully achieve its dubious goal of stealing their money. Its clear to see that any infected PC who wants a semblance of a chance of recovery from this rogue will need to destroy Palladium Pro from its system as soon as humanly possible.
Users who did not delete Palladium Pro in time complained about their personal data being lost, and being denied access to their own system. Palladium Pro will simply hijack your entire system, and keep it ransom until you pay its ransom. This is particularly distressing as the damage Palladium Pro causes to the system can be permanent. It will not stop its assault on the system until it manages to extort money out of the consumer, and even then will continue with its criminal practices if the user does not remove Palladium Pro from the system.
Other victims of Palladium Pro complained about being denied access to the Internet, and the inability to launch a program on their PC. This is obviously a clever attempt by Palladium Pro to prevent the user from either downloading or running an application which will not only detect but also erase Palladium Pro from the system.
If you find yourself infected with Palladium Pro, you will not even recognize your system. When signing on, instead of being greeted by your Desktop your eyes will be assaulted with the Palladium Pro logon screen. It will tell you to select either NORMAL STARTUP or the SAFE STARTUP option. Choose neither option! Instead press CTRLALTDELETE in order to launch the Windows Task Manager, and kill palladium.exe. After confirming this command, you should now be able to access your Desktop by typing in explorer.exe in the New Task tab in Task Manager. Your Internet connection should now also be restored. Download a security application which will not only completely obliterate Palladium Pro from your system, but also offer future protection against similar malicious rogues. Be grateful for being able to successfully get rid of Palladium Pro with the minimal of fuss past victims of this rogue certainly wasnt as fortunate.
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Miestas: Nesvarbu
Tel: 85281231298
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