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pažintys (13737)


User Antivirus 2010

User Antivirus 2010 is a rogue anti-virus program that reports false threats or infections on your computer and then prompts you to pay for a full version of the program to protect yourself and to remove the infections which dont even exist. User Antivirus 2010 rogue program creates numerous fake files and then detect those files as serious infections. As you can see this is nothing more but a scam. And you probably didnt install User Antivirus 2010 program, so why should you purchase it anyway. Instead, please use the removal guide below to remove User Antivirus 2010 from your computer either manually for free or with an automatic removal tool. One way or another, this infections should be removed from the system as soon as possible.

Vardas: xxx
Miestas: Nesvarbu
Tel: 86872000

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