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Siūlau Windows Oversight Center the Woolf in Sheeps Clot
You must be wondering why youre getting all these pop-up security messages even though you were sure that your computer was virus-free. Look at the messages closer and check whether they are not from Windows Oversight Center. If so, you must close the notifications and destroy Windows Oversight Center without further ado, because this malicious application is detrimental not only to the safety of your computer, but also to your own well-being.
You might ask how a program can be dangerous to you. The answer is simple Windows Oversight Center is a financial threat. It is a rogue antispyware which waits for the opportunity to assault you, and then trick you into paying for a completely worthless product. The problem is that this program is very good at playing the role of a reliable security system. It is a part of the ever-growing Fake Microsoft Security Essentials team of rogues, and so it has all the attributes which makes it seem almost believable. And almost is the keyword here.
It is easy to make sure that Windows Oversight Center is a fake program, when you take a closer look at its messages. For example the sentence in one of the messages Microsoft Security Essentials detected potential threats that might compromise your private or damage your computer obviously contains grammar errors, which should not be present in a message from a real antivirus program.
Sending messages is not the only thing that Windows Oversight Center does in order to obtain your money. It also performs a FAKE system scan, and as a result it tells you that your overall system rating is low and you need to optimize your systems performance by clicking on the Fix Errors button at the bottom right corner. Needless to say, that no errors will be fixed if you click on it, because there were no errors to begin with. The rogue employs dirty tactics to lure your money out of you, so what you need to do is close that purchase window immediately. The lifetime support for 79.95 USD might look alluring, but there will be nothing attractive about it, when you will lose all of your money.
In order to avoid becoming a victim of the well-developed criminal network, you need to close the application at once and then find a way to get rid of Windows Oversight Center as soon as you can. If you are not able to remove it manually, do get yourself an automatic malware removal tool. Not only it will delete Windows Oversight Center from your system for you, but it will also protect your computer against future threats.
Vardas: xxx
Miestas: Vilnius
Tel: 852339874
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