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Siūlau Clone of well known rogue wreaking equally devasta
Despite extravagant campaigns by the online security industry to educate PC owners on the perils of rogue security tools many consumers continue to fall for the half lies sold as whole truths by fake security tools such as AntiVira Av. This rogue, which is a direct clone of Antivirus .NET will, enters the system under false pretenses and will go on to seize control of the entire PC system and extort money out of its victim. This type of attack falls in line with its predecessor and is a signature mark of rogue antispyware. Whats worse, AntiVira Avs infiltration into the system is virtually undetectable. This makes it extremely difficult to detect and destroy AntiVira Av from the system.
AntiVira Av enters the system through Trojans. These Trojans are distributed via a sophisticated online network which involves browser hijacking web domains and fake online malware scanners. The browser hijackers forcefully redirects users browsing and search sessions to their compromised landing pages where the users system and browser weaknesses are taken advantage of which allows the AntiVira Av Trojans to root itself in the system.
The first inclination the user will have of AntiVira Av on his system will be when he receives various fake security alerts generated by AntiVira Av. These false alerts were designed exclusively to generate panic in the user, as well as place AntiVira Av in an authoritative light. All security alerts generated by AntiVira Av is completely without merit, and should enjoy no attention from the user.
In order to circumvent the certain devastation sure to follow this destructive rogue get rid of AntiVira Av immediately. The best way to permanently erase AntiVira Av from the system will be to employ the removal power and protection a genuine security tool will offer.
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