Naujas skelbimas
auto dalys (10719)
auto moto transportas (21782)
auto aparatūra (3034)
biuro technika (569)
buitinė technika (6337)
baldai (9967)
darbas (26768)
flora, fauna (10410)
garso aparatūra (2914)
vaizdo aparatūra (4612)
įvairūs (43357)
knygos, muzika ir filmai (3167)
kompiuteriai (9579)
kompiuterių detales (2781)
mobilūs telefonai (17011)
nekilnojamas turtas (51404)
paslaugos (45266)
pažintys (13737)

Siūlau Alternatyvus Issilavinimas Danjoje
DNS- Tvind in cooperation with One World University
Become an Activist - Volunteer gain a University degree
We offer two programs:
Bachelor degree in Pedagogy from One World University
1st year: International Practice Field - 2 months preparation for a 4 months bus travel through Northern Africa followed with 3 months studies and evaluation all combined with theoretical studies.
2nd year: The European practice Field (9 months training in experiencing and understanding the European reality)
3rd year: The school Practice Field (12 months training in experiencing and understanding the reality of children and teachers in school, with connected theoretical studies)
B certificate in Pedagogy and Fighting with The Poor
1st period is 12 months long in Denmark. (Working with second-hand clothes collection or as assistant teacher in Day school Studies and Exams.)
2nd period is 8 months long in Africa or India:
3rd period is 4 months long in Denmark. (Teaching for funds making The Journal. Final Exams)
Think global - Act local
More information:
DNS- Tvind
Phone: 45 21 124 360
Vardas: DNS
Miestas: Nesvarbu
E-mail: info@dns-tvind.dk
Tel: +37064032219
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