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Siūlau CleanUp Antivirus
CleanUp Antivirus is a fake anti-spyware program. Just like any other rogue antispyware CleanUp Antivirus can infiltrate your system threw Trojans without giving any notification to the user. Once CleanUp Antivirus is downloaded and installed into your system, it start his fake scanner and will report about various infections. CleanUp Antivirus will offer you to remove infected files by purchasing a full version of a program.
You should know that CleanUp Antivirus is not able to detect any kind of infected files. The only thing that you should do with CleanUp Antivirus is to remove it as soon as possible from your system. Because purchasing a full version of CleanUp Antivirus is not a solution. It will not remove anything that he claims he found. You will only lose your time and money.
CleanUp Antivirus will display tons of fake security alerts which will report about threats detected on your system and insist activating CleanUp Antivirus in order to get full-time antivirus protection. Remove CleanUp Antivirus as soon as you notice it on your computer!
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Miestas: Nesvarbu
Tel: +3706862000
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