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Inline filling system ALOC Price from 21 700 USD

Description: Inline filling machine with volumetric method of measurement designed for containers filling and use various kinds of non- abrasive liquids with high accuracy. This system is use for containers with a volume until 5000 ml. On customer request the system can be equipped with measuring units with different dose adjustment range (200ml- 5000ml) and quantity of fill heads from 2 -12. Used for: nonabrasive, aggressive and nonaggressive liquids (emulsions, suspensions, solutions, water, milk, yogurts, sour cream, various oils, toppings, souses, tomato paste, shampoos, gels, creams, chemical for glass cleaning, solutions, acids, alkalis, paints, varnishes, greases, vaseline, lithol, pesticides, pharmacology liquids) Containers: glass bottles, PET containers, jerrycan, flacons with different shapes, buckets with volume to 5000 L. Industries: industrial chemistry, agro chemicals, household chemicals, sauces dressings, veterinary medicine, automotive chemicals, commercial oils, spices extracts essentials oils That our customers receive when buying equipment: 61692 more than 20 years in production filling equipment industry 61692 organization of delivery equipment 61692 warranty to 18 month 61692 Exclusive service 61692 commissioning work for free 61692 individual approach to each customer CONTACTS: Company Stanco-grup 18000 Str. Chehova 104 Sity Cherkassy, Country Ukraine Phone: 38 (0472) 56 40 - 50 Mail: Our YouTube channel:

Vardas: StancoGroup
Miestas: Nesvarbu
Tel: +380472564050

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