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Remove AV Security Suite ASAP

AV Security Suite, or as some call it: AVSecuritySuite, AVSecurity Suite, AV SecuritySuite is not your friend! You should remove AV Security Suite ASAP! Do not fall prey to its claims of being a legitimate anti-spyware tool, as AV Security Suite is NOT legitimate it is a rogue application, and should be removed as soon as possible! AV Security Suite is believed to be a clone of the infamous fake security tool: Antivirus soft, Antispyware soft. It is quite possible that AV Security Suite may be embedded within your computer system without you even knowing, as this particular parasite infiltrates a computer covertly, and remains hidden - conducting its malice regardless. Another thing about AV Security Suite is that is tends to come bundled with all sorts of additional infections and fake applications, this way further compromising the integrity of the system it has infiltrated. I would recommend the immediate removal of this dubious application, as soon as it has been detected on a system.

Vardas: xxx
Miestas: Kaunas
Tel: 12312312

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