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Siūlau Bio-Body Cleanser® 601 System: (2 therapies in 1 m
Bio-Body Cleanser® 601 System: (2 therapies in 1 machine)
Ion Cleansing: The Most Advanced System In The Industry!
Fully integrated system.
Ion Cleansing: 5 separate working modes.
Automatic 30 minute Timer.
Creates a complete energy circuit using the Wrist Strap.
LCD Display
Accurate treatment readings.
Showing ion probe output.
Showing foot bath water solution amperage.
Timer: Automatically set for 30 minute session (recommended).
Plus...'Integrated' Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy: (2 x Massage Pads / Electrodes)
Along with ion cleansing the 601 also has a massage therapy feature (Electronic Muscle Stimulation System). The feeling is one of a pleasant tingling sensation.
1...Use the massage pads and the foot bath together (Detox & massage at the same time) For example: Place the electrodes on both calf muscles, the muscle tissue and surrounding area now receives additional stimulation which helps promote detoxification (lactic acid), easing soreness and stiffness. Leg muscles recuperate faster, more effectively, relieving pain.
or...use separately (massage therapy only)...
2...use the massage pads separately (without detoxifying session).
Use the massage pads to target areas of pain. Intensity level control button is situated on control panel.
Discover the Health Advantages for yourself!
Vardas: Tadas
Miestas: Panevėžys
Tel: 864337270
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