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Earth Antivirus

Earth Antivirus will not defend your computer like the name says. Earth Antivirus can also be called as EarthAntivirus , Earth AV , EarthAV .You need to know that Earth Antivirus will actually do the complete opposite. That is why it is so important to remove Earth Antivirus ASAP. You need to know that Earth Antivirus shows fake pop ups, fake scan reports, fake pop up messages to trick you into buying full version of this scamware. After you have detected the malicious Earth Antivirus on your computer system you need to delete all of its components manually or you can use of an antispyware removal tool. Earth Antivirus is something you never want to download, install or purchase because if you do, you will land in serious computer hell. You need to know that your money is guaranteed to get stolen and your computer may turn into a malfunctioning nightmare. That is why it is very important that you take computer security seriously and dont take any chances with regard to the deceptive Earth Antivirus.

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