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Online safety a perilous journey for new age PC ow

Venturing online today exposes the average PC to many known and unknown risks, especially to PC owners dedicated to their PCs security and health. Developers of rogue security tools such as Antivirus Monitor view these users as soft targets for their incredulous yet sophisticated online scams. Antivirus Monitor in particular is a nasty and dangerous rogue antispyware application tricking many PC owners into paying for its seemingly genuine and user friendly looking software. In truth, this rogue is utterly worthless and unable to live up to any of its over embellished promises, and any user who values his systems security will do well to utterly get rid of Antivirus Monitor while there is still time. Making use of established forms of infection, Antivirus Monitor enters the system surreptitiously and on the down low. It will hide its presence from the user until it starts its attack on the system. Seditious browser hijackers and bogus online malware scanners all form part of Antivirus Monitors online marketing campaign and is used to root its infectious Trojans into its host PCs. The user will remain largely unaware of Antivirus Monitors presence on the system until he receives various falsely generated security alerts. These fake alerts form part of Antivirus Monitors attack on the system, and the user will need to annihilate Antivirus Monitor to stop this constant barrage. Some of the fake alerts to be on the lookout for include the following: Windows Security Alert Windows reports that computer is infected. Antivirus software helps to protect your computer against viruses and other security threats. Click here for the scan your computer. Your system might be at risk now. There are serious threats detected on your computer. Your privacy and personal data may not be safe. Do you want to clean and protect your PC? Yes, remove threats No, continue unprotected Do not allow this treacherous rogue free reign on your system. Take back whats rightfully yours and destroy Antivirus Monitor before it destroys your PC. Securely and permanently erase Antivirus Monitor by making use of the removal power of a genuine security tool.

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Miestas: Kaunas
Tel: 8524445790

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