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HDD Plus rogueware taking consumers for an expensi

When looking for a powerful defragmenter, stay away from HDD Plus! This rogue defragmenter emanates from the same family as well known and much hated HDD Diagnostic, Win Defragmenter and HDD Scan. Following the same meticulous techniques as its predecessors, HDD Plus was designed with one sole purpose to cheat consumers out of their hard earned money while offering them nothing worthwhile in return. This infection should not be taken lightly, as users who did not immediately get rid of HDD Plus suffered severe symptoms which debilitated their systems. What makes HDD Plus even more difficult to discern as rogueware is its seemingly genuine looking and user friendly UIs. Do not be fooled, though. HDD Plus is harmful, and completely incapable of delivering on any of its promises. As a first line of offence HDD Plus will inform its victim through various fake security messages that his PC suffers from a number of serious errors preventing his system from operating optimally. This is in fact merely a ruse used to panic the user and to extort money out of him. Some of the more notorious fake notifications to be on the lookout for include the following: Critical Error! Windows was unable to save all the data for the file System32496A8300. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware. And Critical Error Windows cant find hard disk space. Hard drive error There really is no middle ground here. If you value the security of your system youll take the required action to permanently destroy HDD Plus. You simply cant go wrong investing in a powerful security tool which will permanently do away with HDD Plus and protect against similar future threats.

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