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Ieškau remove Soft Barrier
Wini family of fake antispyware has got new entry as hackers has released SoftBarrier (Soft Barrier), another counterfeit based on popular templates. The Wini family is growing at more or less stable pace of up to 7 entries a week.
SoftBarrier is downloaded by trojan from the backdoor the said trojan needs to be downloaded by user. A user is often duped to download the trojan with spam and fake codec request techniques etc.
Another way for SoftBarrier adware intrusion is based on Internet ads, mostly popups. Those popups, which are shown at more or less fair websites providing, however, no verification of advertisement content and type, draw users to one of websites posed as SoftBarrier home-page or online scanner by SoftBarrier. Naturally a user is then invited to download and install the adware, which, in its turn, claim that it needs to be activated (i.e. a user must buy it) in order to fix security issues detected. Remove SoftBarrier and give no credit to all its alerts and scans.
To get rid of SoftBarrier in safe and fast manner, please click here to apply verified SoftBarrier removal tool
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