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Siūlau Apple iPhone 4G HD 32GB Unlocked
We sell all kind of mobile phones, contact us for more information and purchase inquiries
Email : bhatii hotmail.com
Email : fareedbha yahoo.com
Skype : fareedbha
Tel : 447024081877
Discount Offer : ( Buy any 3units and get 1 FREE Free Shipping Buy any 5units and get 2 FREE Free Shipping )
Nokia N900 cost 300
Nokia N97 32GB Unlocked 250
Sony Ericsson Satio Unlocked 300
Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 White Unlocked 350
Apple iPad Tablet PC 32GB Wifi 3G 400
Apple iPad Tablet PC 64GB Wifi 3G 550
Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB Unlocked 300
Apple iPhone 4G HD 32GB Unlocked 500
Blackberry Bold 9000 Unlocked 250
Blackberry Onyx Smartphone AT ampT Unlocked 350
HTC Touch Pro2 unlocked 300
HTC Nexus One Quad-band Cell Phone- Unlocked 350
Still have many items in store.
NOTE: These phones is 100 UNLOCKED and can be used with any SIM card. No activation required (check carrier frequency requirements) Insert Your SIM CARD and start using the phone,many more in stock.
Discount Offer : ( Buy any 3units and get 1 FREE Free Shipping Buy any 5units and get 2 FREE Free Shipping )
Shipping Method: FedEx DHL
Delivery time: within 2 working days
Please contact us for more information and purchase inquiries:
Email : bhatii hotmail.com
Email : fareedbha yahoo.com
Skype : fareedbha
Tel : 447024081877.
(paskelbta is www.zr.lt)
Vardas: FareedBhatii
Miestas: Visimiestai
E-mail: fareedbha@yahoo.com
Tel: 999999
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