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Siūlau Gold powder sale
I am a collector of gold powder in the African region. I m looking for safe and reliable
partners, buyers in Europe (Lithuania, Allemand, Austria, Russia, Spain, Greece, Denmark, Poland, etc ....) Asia (China, India, Indonesia Etc. ...) the United States, the Americas Latin and Middle East (Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Qatar Etc ...), for the sale of gold powder.
NB: The buyer will move on site to inspect the product, please contact us on our e-mail: nego.demarcheur gmail.com
Please excuse us much but the reason why we have put a lot of pictures is that nowadays there are too many fraudulent ads on the net for more pictures so please send us a request on our E-mail .
Best regards to you.. Kaina: 1000Lt
(paskelbta is www.w2.lt)
Vardas: claude
Miestas: Vilnius
E-mail: nego.demarcheur@gmail.com
Tel: 0699554444
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