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Parduodu naują benzinini trimerį-krūmapjovę Ryobi

Features Start Easy Carburettor for Easy Starting Advanced Engine Design for Optimum Power and Low Emissions Split Shaft for ease of transport and Expand-it add on tools Lightweight and ergonomic design Reel-Easy head-innovative Thread and Load system for rapid line feed Pro cut II head-Unique Push and Pull system for fast and easy line feed Technical Specification Engine Displacement: 26cc Output Power: 0,9/650 ch/W Tank capacity: 0.43 litres Cutting path Width: 430mm Line Diameter: Reel Easy head 2.4mm, Pro Cut II head 2.7mm Weight: 4.9kg Ryobi AHF-03 Hedge Trimmer Expand-It Attachment Features Extends line trimmer/brush cutter into a long reach hedge trimmer. Clean cutting blade action for quality finish. Double sided blade for cutting in both directions. This attachment is compatible with all Expand It garden tools. Includes the Real Easy cutting head with 6m cutting line, Wrench and 2 Stroke Oil

Vardas: Tomas
Miestas: Kaunas
Tel: 867402407

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