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Siūlau Kvepalai jums ir jusu draugams
Visa mus supanti aplinka jau diktuoja kad ne uz kalnu sventes. Nori issirinkti kazkam o gal net sau dovana... Gal tai tau pades ir palengvins galvos skausma renkant dovanas
Calvin klein ckin 2u (vyr) 100ml-145LT (mot) 150ml-165lt
Calvin klein contradiction (mot,vyr) 100ml-140lt
Calvin klein escape (vyr) 100ml-145lt
Calvin klein eternity (mot) 100ml-160lt
Calvin klein euphoria (mot) 100ml-185lt
Calvin klein euphoria blossom (mot,vyr) 100ml-160lt
Calvin klein obsession night (mot) 100ml-145lt
Calvin klein obsession night (vyr) 125ml-145lt
Calvin klein truth (mot) 100ml-155lt testeris
Calvin klein truth men (vyr) 100ml-145lt
Cacharel anais anais(mot) 100ml-130lt testeris
Cacharel amor amor (mot) 100ml-135lt testeris
Cacharel lou lou (mot) 100ml-160lt
Cacharel noa (mot) 100ml-160lt
Bvlgari pour home(vyr) 100ml-135lt
Bvlgari aqva (vyr) 100ml-145lt
Bvlgari omnia crystaline (mot) 65ml-140lt
Giorgio Armani aqua di gio (vyr) 100ml-190lt
Giorgio Armani city glam (mot) 100ml-165lt
Giorgio Armani attitude (vyr) 75ml-190lt
Giorgio armani code (mot) 75ml-190lt
Giorgio armani diamonds 100ml-200lt testeris
Britney spears (mot) 100ml-140lt
Carolina herrera 212 ( mot) 100ml-155lt testeris
Carolina herrera 212 (mot) 60ml-140lt
Carolina herrera 212 men (vyr) 100ml-160lt testeris
Carolian herrera 212 on ice ( mot) 60ml-140 lt testeris
Carolina herrera 212 on ice (vyr) 100ml-140lt testeris
Carolina herera 212 sexy (mot) 100ml-160lt testeris
Carolina herrea 212 sexy (mot) 60ml-140lt
Carolina herrea 212 sexy men (vyr) 100ml-165lt testeris
Cerruti 1881 black (vyr) 100ml-130lt testeris
Cerruti 1881 cerruti (mot) 100ml-130lt testeris
Burberry brit (mot) 100ml -135lt edt
Burberry weekend 100ml-155lt testeris
Clinique happy for men (vyr) 100ml-160lt
Davidoff cool water (vyr, ) 125ml-110lt testeris
Davidoff cool water (mot) 100ml-110lt testeris
Davidoff echo (mot) 100ml-135lt
Davidoff game (mot) 100ml-110lt
Davidoff silver shadow altitude (vyr) 100ml-145lt testeris
Dolcegabana the one (mot) 75ml-190lt testeris
Elizabeth arden 5th avenue (mot) 125ml-100lt testeris
Elizabeth arden green tea (mot) 100ml-80lt testeris
Elizabeth arden provocative woman (mot) 100ml-120lt
Elizabeth arden red door (mot) 100ml-110lt
Elizabeth arden splendor (mot) 125ml-100lt
Elizabeth arden 5th avenue after five (mot) 125ml-130lt
Escada (mot) 75ml-135lt
Escada sunset heat (mot) 100ml-130lt testeris
Escada sentiment (mot) 75ml-120lt
Escada sentiment (vyr) 100ml-120lt
Escada magnetism 75ml-135lt
Givenchy extra vagance d amarige (mot) 100ml-155lt
Givenchy blue label (vyr) 100ml-160lt
Givenchy pi (vyr) 100ml-145lt
Givenchy organza (mot) 100ml-165lt
Givency very irresistible (vyr) 100ml-155lt
Givency very irresistible sensual (mot) 75ml-145lt testeris
Gucci envy 100ml-150lt testeris
Gucci envy for man (vyr) 100ml-145lt testeris
Gucci pour home (vyr) 100ml-160lt
Gucci pour home II (vyr) 100ml-160lt
Gucci rush (mot) 75ml-160lt
Guerlain linstant de guerlain (mot) 80ml-145lt testeris
Guerlain champs elysees 100ml-150lt edt
Hugo boss balderssarini del mar (vyr) 90ml-135lt
Hugo boss in motion orange,green,blak (vyr)90ml-145lt testeris
Hugo boss edition (vyr) 90ml-145lt testeris
Hugo boss energise (vyr) 125ml-145lt
Hugo boss femme (mot) 75ml-160lt
Hugo boss woman 125ml-140lt
Hugo boss dark blue 125ml- 135lt
Hugo boss intense (mot) 90ml-140lt testeris
Hugo boss soul (vyr) 90ml-120lt testeris
Hugo boss selection (vyr) 90ml-155lt
Hugo boss deep red 90ml-145lt testeris
Yves saint laurent opium (vyr) 100ml-135lt
Yves saint laurent opium (mot) 100ml-210lt
J .del pozo halloween (mot) 100ml-90lt testeris
Joop go (vyr) 125lt- 120lt
Jennifer lopez glow after dark 100ml-125lt testeris
Jilsander sander (vyr) 125ml-120lt
Kenzo flower by kenzo (mot) 100ml-160lt
Kenzo jungle (vyr) 100ml-125lt testeris
Kenzo lpar kenzo (mot) 100ml-130lt
Kenzo pour home (vyr) 100ml-135lt
Kenzo lpar kenzo (vyr) 100ml-130lt
Lacoste elegance (vyr) 100ml-170lt
Lacote (red) (vyr) 125ml- 130lt testeris
Lacoste pour femme (mot) 90ml-145lt testeris
Lacoste touch of pink (mot) 90ml-155lt
Lacoste pour home (vyr) 100ml-145lt
Lacoste esential (vyr) 100ml-145lt testeris
Lancome magie noire(mot) 75ml-155lt testeris
Lancome miracle (mot)100ml-180lt
Lancome poeme (mot)100ml-180lt
Lancome tresor (mot) 100ml-180lt
Lanvin rumeur (mot) 100ml-145lt
lavin rumer2rose(mot) 100ml-150lt testeris
Max mara le parfume (mot) 90ml-145lt
Moshino l love love (mot) 100ml-130lt testeris
Moshino cheap and chic (mot) 100ml-130.lt
Moshino funny (mot) 100ml-140lt
Moscino couture (mot)100ml-130lt
Paco rabbane XS (vyr) 100ml-120lt testeris
Paco rabbane XS black (vyr) 100ml-150lt testeris
Paco rabbane pour elle (mot) 80ml-120lt
Paco rabbane ultaviolet fluoressense (mot) 80ml-110lt
Paloma picaso (mot) 100ml-170lt
Roberto cavalli serpentine (mot) 100ml-135lt testeris
S.T.dupont (mot,vyr) 100ml-120lt
S.T.dupoint blanc (mot) 100ml-135lt
Therry mugler Bmen 100ml-150lt
Trussardi python (vyr) 100ml-95lt
Trussardi skin (mot) 75lt -110lt
Valentino rock in rose (mot) 90ml-170lt testeris
Versace blue jeans (vyr) 75lt-85lt
Versace red jeans (mot) 75ml-85lt
Versace bright crystal (mot) 90ml-150lt testeris
Versace crystal noir (mot) 90ml-150lt testeris edt
Versace eau fraishe (vyr) 100ml-140lt testeris
Versace man (vyr) 100ml-125lt
Ferrari (raudoni,geltoni,juodi) (vyr) 125ml-130lt
Yves saint laurent cinema (mot)100ml-180lt
Nina ricci laisr du temps (mot) 100ml-120lt testeris
Nina ricci love in paris (mot) 80ml-130lt testeris
Nina ricci premjier jour (mot) 100ml-130lt testeris
Nina ricci nina (mot) 80ml-170lt testris
Bvlgari aqua 50ml kvepalai75 kuno losjonas75ml duso zele 150lt
Bvlgari omnia crystalline 40ml kvepalai75ml kuno losjonas75 ml duso zele 135lt
Hugo boss intense (mot) 100ml kvepalai75ml duso zele150ml kuno losjonas165lt
Elizabeth arden 5th avenue 125ml kvepalai100ml kuno losjonas100ml duso zele 3.7 parfumas145lt
Davidoff echo woman (mot) 100ml kvepalaiapyranke 135lt
Versace bright crystal mini rinkinukas 5ml kvepalai25ml kuno losjonas 25ml duso zele45lt
Versace noir mini rinkinukas 5ml kvepalai25ml kuno losjonas25ml duso zele40lt
Versace eau fraishe mini rinkinukas 5ml kvepalai25ml duso zele25ml balzamas po skutimosi40lt
Moshino I love love 5ml minukas 25ml kuno losjonas25ml duso zele 38lt
Nina ricci love in paris 5ml kvepalai raktus sudeti mini rankine 35lt
Escada sentiment 5ml kvepalai50ml kuno losjonas50ml duso zele 40lt
Elizabet arden green tea 100ml kvepalai100ml kuno losjonas100ml duso zele 4ml miiatura 135lt
Vardas: saule
Miestas: Vilnius
E-mail: pageryta@gmail.com
Tel: 866227444
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