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darbas (26768)
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pažintys (13737)


Wireshark Antivirus

Wireshark Antivirus, also known as WiresharkAntivirus, is yet another rogue application that should not be trusted. Entering into a system covertly, this particular malware: Wireshark Antivirus will only compromise the integrity of any system it has infiltrated. Making use of Trojan infections, the likes of Zlob Trojan - Wireshark Antivirus easily enters into a system, and will begin its malicious tactics, which include fake system alert messages all as an attempt to get the unsuspecting user to believe their system is inundated with malware, and should purchase the full version of Wireshark Antivirus. Do NOT fall for this tactic it is a mere scam, geared at siphoning your hard earned money from you. The best thing to do would be to remove Wireshark Antivirus as soon as it has been detected on a computer system.

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