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auto dalys (10719)
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biuro technika (569)
buitinė technika (6337)
baldai (9967)
darbas (26768)
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vaizdo aparatūra (4612)
įvairūs (43357)
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kompiuteriai (9579)
kompiuterių detales (2781)
mobilūs telefonai (17011)
nekilnojamas turtas (51404)
paslaugos (45266)
pažintys (13737)


Volunteer Teach Travel and take a BA in Pedagogy

Volunteer, Teach, Travel and take a BA in Pedagogy! The world is our classroom We offer a course of alternative bachelor education. During the 3 year program, students will experience and investigate important issues of the world we live in and will work together in making it a better place for each of us. Bachelor degree in Pedagogy from One World University The program consists of: 1. Year The International Practice Field includes 2 months in Denmark preparing for a 4-month bus travel 4 months bus travel through the Sahara desert and 3 months of elaboration and spreading the word to people in Europe 2. Year The National Practice Field includes 6 months training in experiencing and understanding the national reality by seeking employment in factories and other workplaces. Living, studying, working and organizing cultural events in a bigger European city 3 months studying at the school and 3 months doing what you find most appropriate to do 3. Year The School Practice Field includes 8 months training, working and understanding the reality of children and teachers by seeking employment in a European school 4 months at the college studying and final exams. Think global - Act local More information: DNS- Tvind Phone: 45 21 124 360

Vardas: DNS
Miestas: Nesvarbu
Tel: +4521124360

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