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Siūlau iPhone 4G case with 1700mAh backup battery
Talk t
iPhone 4G case with 1700mAh backup battery
Talk time:
Up to additional 5 hours( 3G Network)
Up to additional 10 hours( 2G Network)
Internet use:
Up to additional 4.5 hours( 3G)
Up to additional 7 hours( Wi-Fi)
Standby time: up to additional 240 hours
Audio Playback up: up to additional 28 hours
Video playback up: up to 7 hours
Input: DC5.0V, 500mA
Output: DC5V, 500mA
Cell: Li-polymer 1700mAh
Size:120x62x 17.6 mm
Charge time: 5 hours
Applications: iphone 4G, with Apple certification, fully compatibility
With sync function
"Made for iPhone" means that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPhone and has been certificated by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards.
Accessory: 1 * USB cable, 1 * Screen guard
simenibiz.com/iphone-battery-accessory/1 104-eix-power-skin-for-iphone-4g-1700mah .html
Vardas: Thomas
Miestas: Nesvarbu
Tel: 32412341234123
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